Making Every Step Count

Lucy FATO ’84 recognizes every choice she has made—and similarly, every choice she might make in the future—as opportunities. She has embraced each experience and, 这样做的时候, 她为自己的职业生涯创造了自己的基石,这让她进入了一家全球性的组织,并为她提供了帮助他人的机会,这种方式超过了大多数人认为的企业慈善事业.
Lucy serves as Executive Vice President, AIG的总法律顾问和全球通讯和政府事务主管, a leading global insurance organization. 她说,这个角色没有固定的一天,她也不希望有. 她在为首席执行官“串连点”的挑战中找到了成就感, 首席财务官, 她的团队成员, the board of directors, 甚至是监管机构——为他们提供所需的所有工具和信息,以协同领导公司走向成功.

她的职业道路充满了意想不到的弯路,使她能够培养激情,培养她不知道自己需要的技能, 因此,她目前的作品似乎同样令人满意地不可预测,这似乎也很合适. Lucy invests in key connections with peers and mentors, some of whom emerged from her days at 澳门官方老葡京. Confident in her expertise and grateful for the wisdom imparted by others, 露西拥抱每一个机会,利用她的影响力,使她所服务的组织达到新的卓越高度,为行业和它所服务的人.

On Women Supporting Women

露西职业生涯中一些最关键的时刻都得益于女性的支持. 事实上,是一位女士体贴地雇用了她,让她从事最早也是最具影响力的工作之一.

"When I was a student at the University of Pittsburgh, I interviewed for a job at Kaufmann's, thinking I would use my business and economics degree to go into retail,露西分享道. “面试我的那位女士问了我为什么想从事销售工作、我的学位、我的兴趣...then she said, ‘I have something different in mind for you.’”

The woman hired Lucy in the new accounts department. 两年了, 露西学会了运行信用报告和决定是否向客户发放信用卡的诀窍. It might have started as a first job out of college, 但她在整个职业生涯中——包括担任标准银行的总法律顾问——都将利用这些对信用报告和评级机构的了解 & 普尔(S&P).

"It would have been so easy for that hiring manager to say, 'This is just a college kid, let’s put her anywhere.但她花时间了解了我的目标,给了我一份工作,后来证明这是我的垫脚石,露茜说。.

Another woman inspired Lucy to become a lawyer. 米里亚姆·马斯格雷夫·戈吉安79岁,露西姐姐的同学,律师, Annamaria FATO ’79—invited Lucy to shadow her in the courtroom, 它产生了深远的影响.

"She was a public defender,” Lucy recalled. 她的工作是质疑逮捕她客户的警察是否有合理的逮捕理由.”

Shadowing Miriam in the courtroom was a day she’ll never forget. “几乎每个客户都是年轻的有色人种,米里亚姆几乎赢了每一个案子,”露西说. 在输掉一场官司之后,她的客户将面临审判或接受认罪协议, she turned to me and essentially said: this is how young men, particularly men of color, start to have a difficult time in life. While they may have committed a small crime, they would now have a record, 这使得他们很难找到工作或完成学业,他们可能会在刑事司法系统中进进出出多年. 在那天之前, 我不欣赏我们国家许多律师为保护公民权利所做的工作,我立即想到, 'I’m going to law school to be like Miriam.’”

How She Elevates Corporate Philanthropy

Lucy graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in 1991. She officially began her legal career at Davis Polk & Wardwell in New York City, 利用她作为公司资本市场部门合伙人的商业和经济背景. Although she did not become a public defender, Lucy said her experience with Miriam stuck with her and, 年后, inspired her to expand an already robust Pro Bono Program at AIG.

该项目始于十多年前,为个人和非营利组织的合作伙伴提供免费法律服务, helping people in need and people in marginalized communities, 包括退伍军人, at-risk women and children, 企业家, and the transgender community.

In 2020, following the outbreak of COVID-19 and later the murder of George Floyd, 露西认为是时候扩大AIG公益项目的使命,将刑事司法改革的关键支柱纳入其中.

"Still mindful of that day in court with Miriam so many years ago, 我认为, “我必须这么做,’”露茜说。. “我们的第一个刑事案件是一名30多岁的男子,未经审判就被关押了10年. 事实证明,他从12岁起就一直进出这个系统. He could have been one of those young boys Miriam defended back in 1987, 这是他的箱子, 这么多年以后, in a full-circle moment. I knew we had to take it.”

Lucy continues to oversee the AIG Pro Bono Program, and has expanded it even more by hiring a dedicated, 全职公益协调员和项目的其他专用资源.

"AIG has always been a philanthropic company. 现在, 我们是美国仅有的三家拥有全职员工专门从事公益工作的大公司之一,露西分享道. “我们在全球有数百名员工,他们贡献了数千小时, and that’s in addition to funds AIG contributes to The Legal Aid Society, the Innocence Project, 她的正义, and other charitable organizations. I am deeply proud of this work and AIG’s philanthropy, because it takes me back to why I went to law school to begin with.”

AIG has received significant recognition for its Pro Bono Program. Lucy joked that industry peers must tire of seeing AIG awarded, 但她希望这一认可将鼓励其他法律总顾问以同样的方式回馈他们的社区.

“我希望看到更多的公司为公益工作提供专门的支持, do more philanthropic work, and do it on a global scale. As annoying as we are on the awards circuit,她笑着说, “我希望它能激励其他人也这样做,这样他们就能成为获奖的人!”

Her Advice to Women in Business

Lucy’s wealth of advice for young professionals runs the gamut. She recognizes value in studying or living abroad, 做公益, and even learning how to golf. "It’s great for networking, relationship-building, clearing your mind...I finally get why all the men golf!她笑着说.

但她给那些刚开始职业生涯的人的一个重要提醒是,如果找到自己的职业需要时间,他们不应该感到气馁. "职业生涯 happen over a long period of time,” she said. "Take the time to find something that resonates with you. It’s going to make your career that much better. 所以慢慢来. Don’t feel pressured to do work you don’t enjoy, and don’t be afraid to take a step back in order to take a step forward.”

“我非常相信史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)毕业典礼上的演讲,他说过‘把生活中的点点滴滴串联起来’.’ You don’t know why certain things happen, but when you look back, 这一切都很有意义,她接着说. 在她自己的生活中, 她提到了考夫曼的招聘经理招聘她负责新客户的那一刻, as well as the moment in the courtroom with Miriam, 作为完美的例子.

While women played key roles in Lucy’s career, 她还鼓励处于职业生涯各个阶段的女性不要忘记男性. “当我刚开始从事律师工作时,我最大的支持者是男性,”她分享道. “我之所以成为戴维斯·波尔克律师事务所的合伙人,是因为有几个人信任我,把一些高调的交易交给了我. 你需要和有权力的人建立关系,而这些人通常是男性. 然后, 你可以通过向他们推荐不同的人才来利用这些关系, 促进, or recruit for a board. 这就是我的工作, and if we all continue to do it, the voices at the table will get more and more diverse.”

Finally, Lucy believes it is never too late to become a mentor. She takes pride in doing this herself, 特别是通过组织季度联谊晚宴,她和其他女性总法律顾问赋予下一代女律师发展事业的权力. By creating spaces to actively foster mentorship and support, 她引领着雄心勃勃的年轻女性前进的道路,可能为那些有抱负的女性创造了关键的“点”, 在事后看来, will connect into a career they could have scarcely imagined.

注意: Since the publication of this article in 澳门新葡新京官方杂志1984年,露西·法托 已被提升 to Vice Chair at AIG, effective October 1, 2023.


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